Jean-Baptiste Morin (composer)

Jean-Baptiste Morin (February 2, 1677 – April 27, 1745) was a French composer and the "Ordinaire de la Musique" to Philippe, Duke of Orléans before and perhaps during his regency. 1719-1731 was Morin "Maître de musique" of Louise-Adélaïde of Orléans, daughter of the Duke, at the royal abbey of Chelles, near Paris.

Morin was born in Orléans. He penned numerous works, including most famously a set of cantatas (published between 1706 and 1712). These provided a fusion of a French with the Italian style then popular at the Regent's court.[1] Morin noted in the preface to the 1706 edition his efforts "to retain the sweetness of the French style of melody, but with greater variety in the accompaniments, and employing those tempos and modulations characteristic of the Italian cantata."[2] Morin dedicated the volume to his royal sponsor.[3]

He published also two famous books of (petits) Motets (1704/2nd ed. 1748 ; 1709) and a Processional for Chelles (1726).

His divertissement La Chasse du cerf (October 1707 ; libretto of his friend and protector, Jean de Serré de Rieux, parisian parliamentary, poet and 'grand amateur de musique') provides the hunting call motif that Haydn later employed in his Symphony no. 73.[4] He died in Paris in 1745 (and not 1754 : cf. his 'Inventaire après décès' in Paris, Archives nationales !).


  1. ^ Don Fader, Philippe II d'Orléans's ‘chanteurs italiens’, the Italian cantata and the goûts-réunis under Louis XIV. Early Music 2007, 35(2):237-250; 237-38.
  2. ^ David Tunley, Couperin and French Lyricism. The Musical Times, Vol. 124, No. 1687, ("Music of the French Baroque") (Sep., 1983), pp. 543-545; quotation 543.
  3. ^ J.-P. Montagnier, Un mécène-musicien: Philippe d'Orléans, régent (1674–1723) (Bourg-la-Reine, 1996)
  4. ^ Alexander L. Ringer, The "Chasse" as a Musical Topic of the 18th Century, Journal of the American Musicological Society, Vol. 6, No. 2. (Summer, 1953), pp. 148-159
